The Passover count down has officially begun. In the coming
weeks we will all be busy cleaning our homes and planning our menus. For many
that’s the easy part, but I have a confession to make, it’s not so easy for
me. I honestly have no clue how to
clean. In my family we all stick to what we are good at, and I suppose for me,
that’s crafting. Don’t get me wrong, I’m
a great cook and I love to experiment in the kitchen, but I think I’ll pass on
the sponge and broom for now.
What I love about this tablescape that you are about to see,
is that anyone can really create it! These DIY Passover crafts are so
incredibly simple; incorporating everyday items that you find in your home with
inexpensive products that can be purchased at your local craft store.
Craft #1 Place Settings
Wooden Clothes Pin
Double Stick Tape
Washi Paper Tape (Easily found at any craft store)
Scrapbook Label or Tag
-Write the person’s name on your scrapbook label or tag. You can also
make these tags with regular paper and scissors with fun edges.
- Cut a small piece of ribbon and staple it to the side of
your tag.
- Attach the tag to the clothespin with double stick tape.
You can now attach your place setting craft to a folded
napkin or anywhere else on your holiday table.
Craft #2 Chargers
It’s not Passover in my house without the coffee cake. I
buy boxes upon boxes of mixes from Manischewitz
year after year. I came up with this great upcycling craft to re-purpose the
items that I would normally just throw out.
Leftover food containers or boxes like Manischewitz
Oak tag paper
Mod Podge
Tissue Paper
Aluminum Tin
-Trace circles about 12” round onto your oak tag paper. I just traced a
normal charger that I had at home for the shape I wanted. Cut them out. I found
that I could get (2) charges for every (1) oak tag I purchased.
- Let dry for 12 hours.
These make a great charger for your kids table!! And don’t
you just LOVE these adorable Chocolate covered locust treats from Zelda’s
Sweet shoppe? Perfect for those hungry little kids to munch on during the
Craft #3 Pesach Washing Station
Leftover matzah box
Hebrew Stencil (optional)
Wooden Clothes Pin
Double Stick Tape
Washi Paper Tape (Easily found at any craft store)
-Open the left over matzah box so that it lies flat on the table.
-With a stencil or free hand cut out the words Pesach or Passover
-Take your Washi Tape and stick them to your clothes pins. If you don’t
have tape then you can just as easily color them with markers or paint.
- Attach the letters to the clothespin with double stick
-You can now attach your Passover/Pesach letters to a towel
basket by your sink or even let them stick out of your floral arrangement!
Whatever you do this Passover to enhance your holiday ambience,
may it be making these simple crafts or creating a lavish floral tablescape
like this one featured here from Papaya Events, just remember to laugh,
breathe, and soak up those special family moments that are shared during this Yom
Tov season.
The Seder Plate, Matzah Container, and Seder Glasses are
available for purchase at
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