I have a confession to make........
I'm a really really really really bad speller.
Truth be told I love to read, but for some reason the words that I read and the books that I seem to consume on a daily basis have not really impacted my success as a speller. My husband on the other hand, is a GREAT speller, but never reads. GO FIGURE. As an English teacher you would think that I could spell, but I can't. And just one other side point...don't you hate it when you're doing homework with your kids and you keep repeating the same word over helping them to spell it, L.I.T.T.L.E., over and over and over again till you're like.....wait...is that really how you spell it?!?
But this time I KNOW I AM RIGHT. Gray is spelled G.R.A.Y. - so then why do so many of my clients and so many arts and crafts supplies spell it GREY.....Could I be {GULP} wrong???
I decided to go and look it up on the oldy but goody site GOOGLE. Was I perhaps the only one with this color spelling issue???
It seems that there is a true controversy at hand in regards to this color; or should I say colour? Because as you guessed this is a spelling issue that descends from our "ENGLISH" roots. According to Google Answers, the two words have almost the same meaning in all cases, and g-r-a-y is simply an American derivation of the original British spelling g-r-e-y.
So now - just so we are clear:
Gray is a color. Grey is a *colour*
I do want to point out that I did see another interpretation for the difference in spelling that perhaps may be very interesting to all you other artists and colorists out there. According to a very comprehensive color chart provided by Clorford.com (a trusted resource on color swatches) grey and gray are actually two different "color swatches".
A survey conducted both in the U.S. and England, many people believe grey is an actual color perceived as the hue of "silver", and gray is a sliding scale of values from black to white. So there you have it.
The next time you're faced with the choice of spelling the word "gray," feel free to go with whatever spelling best suits you at the time. I think I'll continue to use GRAY, just because it's been so lucky for me in the past.
But now I'm curious what do you chose? GRAY or GREY? Comment below with your answer and make sure to add your email address and an exclusive holiday coupon code will be emailed directly to you, because we all know the winter is kinds gray..... isn't it?
I think it will have to have the word GRAY in it, don't you?? Wait, or should it be GREY? hmmmmmm......
OH! And how much will the savings on the coupon be? Well isn't gray a little bit of white and a little bit of black? The great thing about gray is that you can make so many values by adding different percentages of colors... sometimes it's even 50/50. So I guess you'll just have wait and see what type of "value" you will receive in you GRAY/GREY coupon code :)
Happy Shopping!